Axel Ewald

Reclaiming the Soul of Landscape and Reclaiming Landscape for the Soul: the Creation of Arenas for Imaginative Engagement with Place and its Fabric in an Ecologically Challenging, Socially and Politically Charged Environment

This 100% practice-based research project in the field of Social Sculpture has the following aims:

Main Aim:

  • to explore the potential of site-specific Social Sculpture projects for developing new sensitivities for nature and community-building with special reference to locally relevant ecological and social issues.

Secondary Aims:

  • to investigate processes involved in the creation of site-specific artistic interventions and highlight their relevance for transformative change in the individual, the community and in the wider ecological context of how we shape our environment.
  • to devise appropriate Social Sculpture practices for developing an increased awareness of ‚place‘ and to articulate such creative strategies for evolving the potential of these ‚places‘.
  • to expand the notion of landscape design through artistic interventions from a Social Sculpture perspective
  • to develop creative strategies for the “redemption of water” and the exploration of water‘s transformative potential as a “mediator”


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